Tuesday 20 December 2016

Neuroscience Science assignment topics

Neuroscience is the study of nervous system. This field has many branches including cognitive science, biochemistry, pathology and even bioinformatics. Research in neuroscience is conducted to understand how the brain works and also diseases that are related to the neurological disorders. Possible topics for your biomedical science science assignment topics include:
·         What are the different genetic instabilities in neurologicaldiseases that are quite common? What are the major causes of this dysfunction?
·         What are the modern techniques that are used in neuroscience research? Can these techniques be used in combination to study the levels of nervous system organisation?
·         What proteins in the cells are able to control the expression ofcertain neurological disease, thus preventing the deterioration of the cells?
·         Can genetic screening for tumour suppressors in cancer cells be the answer to prevent the proteins from over expressing in certain diseases?
·         What is the importance of microglia in peripheral neuropathic pain? Does it have a crucial role in pain in spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis?
·         What are developmental genes seen in embryonic structures? Where is it seen in the study of molecular level of neuroscience?
·         Phosphorylation is required by all proteins for functioning, yet there are those that cause adversary affect to the cells? Can these proteins be inhibited, thus paving a way for better drugs to treat neurological disorders?
·         Can transgenic mice be used to mimic the characteristics of humans suffering from chronic neurological disorders? Is it possible that drugs that work on animals can be efficient on humans with minimal side effects?
·         What are the hyperactivity disorders that are prevalent in the western countries? Can research findings suggest new measurements to calm patients with such disorders?

·         What are views of the treatment of patients with memory loss? Is it possible to assess the degree of memory loss using imaging or other techniques?

Forensic Science assignment topics

Forensic science is a study that is used toanswer questions in the legal world. The techniques in this field combine molecular and material level research and help investigators to solve cases. This field has been able to solve parental issues and unsolved crimes using genetic and chemical analysis. An area that is becoming more and more popular; writing a science assignment topics on forensic science may be interesting forboth you and potential readers.
·         Can forensic dentistry together with legal ethics solve crimes?
·         How accurate is variable number of tandem repeat sequences, used to link individuals to the crime?
·         Is DNA typing of skeletal remains fruitful in solving missingvictims or those that are involved unsolved crimes?
·         Can psychology help understand and control the minds of people with anti-social behaviour?
·         Are methods used in offender profiling in the United Kingdom superior to those that are done in other parts of the world?
·         Is Bayesian network and probabilistic inference an added advantage in the field of forensic studies?
·         The national DNA database – a feeling of security or a threat to one’s privacy?
·         Can isotope ratio mass spectrometry be used to accurately to analyse facts about crime, the conditions involved as well as the individuals who are part of the scene?
·         Can new measures to track down and detain paedophiles be used to deter them from attacking again?

·         What are the advantages of the study at molecular level on materials have in solving cases?

Nanotechnology Science assignment topics

Nanotechnology as the term implies is a study at the atomic or molecular level. This area includes some of the topics listedbelow, that you might find interesting to write about for your biomedical science assignment topics.
·         Is nanotechnology the key to understanding the role of cells at the molecular level?
·         Can the use of nanoparticles aid in curing certain tumours?
·         Can nanotechnology pose a problem to health and environment issues?
·         Will there be a rise in the manufacture of nano materials in the UK in comparison with other countries?
·         What are the levels of toxicity involved in the inhalation ofnanoparticles?
·         Can the use of photon detectors answer questions relating to space science?
·         Will the use of nanotechnology in genome research help improve the health standards?
·         Does the use of nano fibres help in biomedical research applications?
·         What are the ethical and the social issues of nanotechnology compared to other fields of science?
·         Does nanotechnology play an integral role in meteorology?

Immunology and Biochemistry Science assignment topics

Immunology is the study of the immune system. Much pathology is even caused by disorders of the immune system. Study of molecular pathways is crucial to understand the role proteins have in cellular functions. Research for your biomedical science science assignment topics could include topics such as:
·         What is the role of apoptosis in cancer and lymphoma cells?
·         What are the pathways and the complement regulatory proteins involved in complement activation in diseases?
·         What is the survival rate of large B-cell lymphoma using profiling at molecular level?
·         Can the activation of T-cell subsets play a beneficial role in immune-deficiency diseases?
·         Do GPI-anchored molecules modulate the expression of proteins in certain cancer types?
·         Can T-helper cells be more efficient than cytotoxic T cells in rejection?
·         What are the factors that influence the age-associated declineof the immune system?
·         Can gene mutations provide the answer for patients in cancer therapy?
·         Does the rearrangement of genes of the immunoglobulin play a part in decreasing the immune system in cancer patients?
·         Will combination therapy with stem cells provide a pathway in treating patients with certain forms of cancer?

IT in biomedical Science assignment topics

Information technology is an essential supportive arm of biomedical science. Deeper understanding and investigation of complex problems in biomedical science is possible with the help of IT. Possible topics for your biomedical science science assignment topics include:
·         From biological information to computers what is biological database?
·         How to manage massive amounts of biological data.
·         How to get useful information from existing data.
·         How to screen diseases with Microarray technology.
·         How to design drugs.
·         How is biomedical science handicapped without IT?
·         What is the role of sequence analysis and functional genomics?
·         What is the importance of phylogenetic studies?
·         How has the Human Genome Project been helpful?

·         How has Bioinformatics helped Biomedical Science?

Diseases and Pathogens Science assignment topics Topics

Understanding diseases and the pathogens that may be involved in their causal can provide clues in improving therapeutic strategies. Research into these areas is very important to all of the animal kingdom. A biomedical science assignment topic on the following could be both useful and well read.
·         The third commonest cancer in the UK colorectal cancer: What are its causes and how to diagnose?
·         What is the population genetics of the human pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum in Scotland?
·         How is the outcome of pancreaticoduodenectomy affected by hospital volumes? A case study based in the UK.
·         Is biopsy a necessity for the diagnosis of fibroadenoma? A UK based report.
·         How to determine the prevalence of equine polysaccharide storage myopathy? Based on two equine populations in the UK?
·         What are the experiences of a UK paediatric surgical centre on tracheostomy over a span of ten years?
·         What does the UK National External Quality Assessment Scheme data show about the technical aspects of predictive markers in breast cancer?
·         What are the problems encountered by diagnostic histopathologists in renal pathology as evidenced by the UK National External Quality Assessment Scheme?
·         What are the recent advances in the pathology of cervix? – The eleventh most common cause of cancer in women in UK.

·         What are the causes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Veterinary Medicine Science assignment topics

The care of animals is an important issue that needs to be focused on. Providing proper food, shelter and prevention of diseases are some of the issues that caring calls for. Controlling the spread of disease through the application of veterinary medicine is also of high importance during caring. Areas of research for your biomedical science science assignment topics could be on:
·         What is the potential for veterinary flock health plans to improve productivity of sheep flocks in the United Kingdom?
·         How to treat animals with physiotherapy? Based on the perspectives of Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy (ACPAT) (UK) physiotherapists.
·         How can veterinary medicines be prioritized according to their exposure levels to humans and their toxicities?
·         Are the human infective antibiotic-resistant bacteria being selected by use of antimicrobial agents in veterinary medicine?
·         Are veterinarians or people working with companion animals at risk of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)?
·         How the quality of data affected the study on farm infectiousness trends in the foot and mouth disease epidemic in the United Kingdom?
·         What are the risk factors for impaction colic in donkeys in the United Kingdom?
·         What is the utility of having models for studying foot and mouth disease (based in UK)?
·         What are the risk factors for infection in pet cats? Based on studies in the United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa.

·         How important is bovine tuberculosis to agriculture in British farmland wildlife?

Public Health Science assignment topics

Public health studies can help protect and improve the health of the public by diminishing disease scenarios. This study may be focused on infectious diseases, environmental or occupational diseases and diseases caused by societal issues. If you are looking to base your science assignment topics on the area of public health, these biomedical science science assignment topics suggestions may be of use to you.
·         How are small area inequalities being underestimated in health studies?
·         Could the Scottish National Health Demonstration Project be operationalized through health visiting practice?
·         How safe is the Chinese herbal practice in London?
·         How does definition and measurement of public health problems influence policy outcomes?
·         What approaches are taken by health visitors in the United Kingdom to assess problems in parent-child relations?
·         What are the challenges facing public health education and training in the United Kingdom and how to make improvements?
·         How schools have an impact on childhood obesity? A study based in the United Kingdom.
·         How can the UK Public Health Skills and Career Framework strengthen public health competence?

·         Why is there a need to understand adolescent sexual health? A UK based study.

Pharmacology Science assignment topics

Pharmacology is the study of the medicinal properties of certain substances that have the potential to change functionalities when administered by humans or animals. These substances, called drugs, can have negative effects or side effects along with improvements and hence need to be tested through clinical trials before being used clinically. You can choose one of the following biomedical science science assignment topics topics from the list of the suggestions below:
·         What are the current practice guidelines and pharmacology of different classes of antidepressants?
·         How to make safer drugs for children in the UK?
·         What is the future of clinical pharmacology in the UK?
·         What are the problems associated with teaching integrative pharmacology and physiology in the United Kingdom?
·         What is the current status of behavioral pharmacology in the United Kingdom?
·         What is the origin of the British Pharmacological Society and what changes is it undergoing?
·         What is the clinical pharmacology of anti-HIV drugs used in the United Kingdom?
·         What are the challenges of cancer drug development facing Cancer Research UK?
·         What are the hemodynamic effects of oxytocin in caesarean section under spinal anesthesia in UK women?

·         What are the advances in vaccinology that have taken place?

Current strategies and research studies

Current strategies can reveal information about the trends being practiced. Further studies could help identify shortcomings and ways of improvement in the trends. Current strategies and research studies that you could discuss in your biomedical science assignment topics are:
·         What are the patients’ views on the policy of prescription charges in the UK and what kind of improvement is possible?
·         How to improve risk factor management after a stroke?
·         What are the factors associated with the rising incidence of tuberculosis in England?
·         Can the caring profession in the UK cause an increased risk of mortality?
·         Can British ethnic differences in markers warn about cardiovascular diseases?
·         What latest research has been carried out on diagnosis of metapneumovirus from children in northwest England?
·         The UK has the highest rate of incidence of asthma in the world – what are its immunopathogenic origins and clinical implications?
·         Cardiovascular disease and diabetes – can metabolic syndromes predict these?
·         What is the demography of renal disease in childhood? A study based on the UK renal registry data.
·         Which biophosphonates suit women with metastatic breast cancer? A UK based survey.

Science assignment topics (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Veterinary)

A science assignment topic should recognize the existing facts and derive essential information that may be helpful in one or more ways. A literature study on Biomedical Science and its related fields can help understand the problems and identify the factors at the molecular level of diseases to target. To help you prepare for your science assignment topics, this article provides suggestions of science science assignment topics topics within the areas of diseases, pharmacology, science, public health, veterinary medicines, immunology, biochemistry, nanotechnology, forensic science and neuroscience.